Stay at home mum

Today I give thanks that I do not have a paid job.  Yes, I miss the sense of achievement.  Yes, I miss the company.  Yes, I miss feeling important and successful and the praise for a job well done and the satisfaction of being good at what I did.

But being available to care for my family, and especially my beautiful daughter, is so much more important to me.

Yes, you can do both… in an ideal world with support networks and super flexible workplace arrangements or your own business.  But it didn’t work for me.

So I am thankful that I do have the privilege of being home with my girl when she is not well.  Many mothers, probably most mothers worldwide, do not have that choice.

Jude 2

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3 Responses to “Stay at home mum”

  1. Meg Maastricht Says:

    Very well said Wendy!

  2. Lightening Says:

    What a great reminder. I need to be more thankful when I’m at home feeling “blah” and like I have no life! 🙂 I wish we were all better at putting more emphasis on the value of being available for our children. I think it’s even more important when they’re going through the struggles adolescence brings with it.

    I’m thankful too because it also gives you time to be a wonderful friend and encourager to those around you!

  3. wjcsydney Says:

    Thanks, gals.

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